Today the grammar school № 105 is a leading educational institution in Vyborgsky district of Saint-Petersburg.
The school has worked out a Program of developing that provides forming of a well-aware and socially active personality on the base of high qualified level of school education with a wide range of elective studies in the emotionally attractive atmosphere.
The number of students: 568 (21 grades)
The number of co-workers: 70 (58 are teachers).
Ongoing programs:
The federal state educational standard program of the elementary general education, which provides additional (in-depth) preparation of students in English language;
Program of general education (grades 5-9), which provides additional (in-depth) preparation of students in the humanity subjects;
Program of secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11), providing additional (in-depth) preparation of students in the humanity subjects;
The structural unit of the school is the Psychology Education Medical Social Center, which carries out an individual and comprehensive advisory support of students.
The main activities of the centre:
• solving social and emotional problems;
• overcoming educational difficulties;
• assistance in choosing an educational path, as well as help with career and leisure choices;
• support students that are at risk;
• creating the culture of healthy lifestyle
We have specialists, psychologists, social teachers working in our school.
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